Ratchet, Eugene, Joe and Myself met up at the crack of noon to pack the bikes and go for a little weekend ride out to the quarries in Indiana.

Joe's battery took a shit about 50 miles out of town so we spent the next 5 hours in this laundromat parking lot.

Indiana pizza turned out to be pretty tasty.

Eugene entertaining me and Ratchet while Joe fiddles with his juiceless joyride.

By the time we got squared away night had fallen and it made for a really nice night ride through the Indiana backroads. Then Ratchet ran dry so we ponied up a little fuel from all the tanks to get him a few miles to the campground. By the time we got there I ran out about 100 feet from the campsite. No matter though, we made it to the quarry, got naked and swam like school children. The perfect way to end a day of riding.

Come morning, Eugene loaded up on Joe's gas and headed into town to fill up and grab some jugs of juice for our machines.

Canadian Hunter and friend joined our late night partakings.

Hot as blazes, so we packed 'em and fueled 'em before a hike into the quarries.

Joe off in his own world as usual. Joe is a great friend and a total trip. When he's around shit is more interesting and just plain better.

Perfect 500 mile weekend. Started off a little slow but turned into a really nice couple of days on the road. The Minnow ran as though she was two days late for the spawn and just wouldn't quit. I am so pleased with the motor and bike in general. It would've been nice if a couple of others were able to make it out but I wouldn't change a minute of it. Thanks for the good times friends.
Miss this and u too!! Gaaayyyy!!
i feel it is very much in order that we meet up for some camping soon.
very soon.
man working on the weekends sucks ass.
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