Anyway the end was in sight and all I wanted to do was ride. Planned on heading north where we wouldn't see another sole as far as the eye could see. I said lets hit up Hoover. Hoover is a one horse town.... literally.... population one. The town was burnt down some years ago and the only survivors.... a husband and wife stayed to keep the town alive. She is the only one still alive and keeps the store open. She comes out and turns on the gas pump and you walk into her living room to pay for gas and whatever else you find there. It's a step back about 70 years.... very relaxing out there. It was a beautiful day as we headed back to camp. About half way home an angry cloud showed itself as it swept across the plains. It was a good thing Julie felt like seeing what her sporty would do because we pulled into camp just as it started to rain. Downtown Sturgis got hit really hard with softball sized hail. I saw a car in the aftermath with bent A pillars and windows completely gone....... no joke. Some people were trying to lay under their bikes for cover. It only lasted about fifteen minutes and the party was back on.


Rich Phillips

The road into Hoover

pumping gas

Living space/general store


Old timey gas pump

Relax'n in Hoover

Leaving Hoover

Hail Storm

Julie racing the cloud

The storm caught up with us just as we were pulling into the spoke.

Keino out mud'n
After the Storm had cleared we rallied the troops and headed over to the Buffalo Chip for the Baker Burnout Drags

Warren gett'n ready to hit the Baker Burnout Drags

Teach rock'n the Sugar Bear front end


Teach on his new creation

Pat Patterson on a bike built strictly for burnouts.

Bean're at the Baker Burnout Drags
Josh, you're more than welcome.
Julie....I relocated her seat spring mounts. Julie is a very cool chick. I don't know how I missed her out there. And Bean're, I missed him. too! Oh well, there's always next year...
Good times Josh always a pleasure riding and partyin with ya.
Thanks for the mention Josh. I'll see you next year or sooner man. I can't miss out on Jills cooking or Bandits humping.
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