Hang'n with Ron Finch at the Horse Show

A little help from some friends...... after filling my carb full of dirt...... she just didn't want to start like she used too.

Warren and Stacy blasting through Spearfish Canyon

Ryan on his fresh Shovel.

I got tired of the slow moving mass of motorcycles so I passed them all. Left me with a Canyon all to my lonesome.

waited a while for Warren and Ryan to show up

Relaxed near these falls for a while.

Took the dirt roads home.

We made it back to the Spoke as the mayhem began. Did a little slow racing then pulled out the mini bikes!

More Dirt Track'n!

Dirt bike against Panhead

Jeff can fuck'n ride the shit out of his pan..... or any bike for that matter!

Kevin gett'n down!

Midnight Mike take'n his shovel over some sweet jumps!

Colleen spread'n dirt on her Honda-matic.

Bean're racing in style as always

Fire obstacles

Taber the Circus Freak
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