I always look forward to the Cycle Source Ride. Great bikes and even greater people show up year after year. I typically start at the back so I can work my way up while I take photographs of the riders on my way to the front. As I took my first couple of shots I noticed the pack braking really hard ahead of us. Even though I'm shooting people behind me I always now what is going on in front of me. I saw the brakes lights so I slowed..... but Kevin was moving to fast. His front tire came into my peripheral..... then soon locked up as he hit the guy in front of us. I remember watching as he slid across the pavement then under my bike. Our bikes danced and hugged each other up for a second..... I had enough and gassed it over the shovelhead sending me into the ditch. I remember thinking.... "well Kevin...... I'm coming with you" but all the dirt track'n and barrel racing payed off cause that steep ditch was I cake walk. I guess if you've been in enough "close calls" it makes you a better rider.... I've been in a few..... nobody could believe I kept my bike up. Kevin and his lady were all right besides a little road rash but the bike was jacked! I know this wasn't lack of riding experience cause Kevin can fucking ride with the best. I'll take the blame on this one..... It's probably pretty distracting to see some dipshit standing up on a three inch by ten foot sickle shooting backwards.... sorry guys.
Thanks Scout for Manning my camera while I was down.

Watch out! brakes!



Taber and Whitney

Famous Bike

I Love Charlie

Bean're and Jasmine

Bert Baker

Pat and Jeff

Lock Baker

Jay Allen

Bad Apples

Furgeson just after getting tossed by the horse

riding a flesh horse

Bean're and I checking out the dirt

Jeff barrel racing

Jeff and Scout

More barrel Racing

Bean're and Scout

Teach do'n it for the kids!

Broken rocker pivot shaft..... my handy work

Taber help'n a brother out

This is how he rides when he doesn't have a vertical wall

Bean're is the oldest Kid I know

No worries I have an extra in my satchel...... Good thing I wasn't moving at 80.... I'd be dead!

Warren lost to one horse power

Julie racing back to the Spoke


Teach and his lovely

Back at the Spoke.... Taber and Reggie

Headed to the Litcher Show

Gilby Clark, Roadside and Riki Rachtman

The Man.... Michael Litcher

Getting pulled over for the Second time. Sorry Bean're and Midnight Mike
killer pics man! looks like a good time!
Right on Josh great shots
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