We arrived in Sturgis friday night. Bacon helps out Negotiable Tim down town at the swap so Tim had a place lined up for him. It was a dungeon like basement divided into rooms by way of tarps and rugs. Makeshift shower and bathroom..... but it was quiet and stayed dark all day long. I woke up to the girls in the "room" next door talking about my bike....... One said..... "Oh my god..... Did you see that chopper out there........ can you imagine what the guy looks like that rides that thing" I was to much of a pussy to walk around the corner and say here I am come get me.

Bacon and Negotiable Tim.
I headed out to the Broken Spoke County Line which is where I had planned on sleeping the rest of the week. I hung out and relaxed most of the day..... then headed into town with Rod and Alicia from Stripped Down Cycles and Scott Williams to display their bikes at the little spoke for the next generation builder display.

Rod on his six speed Ironhead

Scott sligg'n the sligshot.

Rod and Scott dropped their bikes and Alicia and I rhode back to the County Line

This chick has riden more miles on this bike than you will ever know.

Later that night things got out of hand...... and with each following night things got crazier and even more out of control. Jay Allen and the Broken Spoke Staff let us do what ever the fuck we wanted. We might as well have been shooting guns at each other.

Furguson and Bandit are reunited

Flying the sidecar

It wasn't long before the Dirt bikes and mini bikes came out!

I thought to myself...... shit.... these guys ain't doing nothing I can't do on my long chopper. I started off by running over Warren then trying to be cool by power sliding around a turn but I lost it. I was told it was very graceful to watch though. Whiskey and long Bikes was my motto. A pair of vise grips would act as my shift lever and all was good to go!

Phil-Z tried the Street bike thing as well but lost it into a picnic table while racing through the bar.

At about 3:30 in the morning Chris Pat and I rhode up the dirt path to the Dirt Track. Figured out how to turn on the Generator powered lights and went racing!

Dirt track'n the Locust!

After a few good hot laps I headed further up the dirt path to the top of the hill where people were smoking refer cigarettes and eat'n mushrooms.
damnit. why must i always miss sturgis? no mas, i tell you. no mas.
fuckin' eh...loooks like a right on time!
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