In '95 I moved to San Diego and fell in with a girl that had a couple of kids. Ended up moving in after a bit and loved every second with the kids but hated most with her. Anyway, this lasted for a couple of years and she used to get me fired up so I'd get in my truck and drive around town listening to Pegboy and reminiscing about all my buddies and the times we had back east that meant so much more to me than anybody or anything that I had found living in SD. I think it just came down to having history, the funny thing is that now I listen to Pegboy and think about driving around the streets of San Diego and how much I miss those times. I guess you always miss what you don't have or that's just the great thing about memories.
Must've been a STRONG REACTION.

I think I had a few conversations with you during those days.
indeed we did Cabe.
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