The better halves threw together a taco night for us lucky fellas followed by a Sunday night feature film.

Eugene showed up with a new friend. Apparently when you crash into your buddies bike at 4am and a peg rips your achilles open they give you a walking stick. Why would you crash into your pal at 4 in the morning Eugene?
Thanks for the grub girls! Bravetown is family.
summertime, you boys should have a pig roast out back. I know just the dirty cuban to cook it up too....
eugene needs to quit hurting himself.
dude, this is the least hurt ive been for like 5 years.....
yeah you were the most hurt when I had to break it to you that you're not my son.
That reminds me. Eugene we need to have a little talk.
i guess that explains all my rebelling against you... fuck.....
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