I knew Grimey has an extreme love for two wheeled machines I just under estimated it's strength. Rod is kind of a quite guy but spend just one day with him in his shop you quickly realize how much knowledge and skill he tucks away under that hat. It's amazing how a shop can stay alive in a place like Du Bois but if you are doing good honest work the word and loyals will grow to a point where you can't keep up with work. Grimey does it all frames, engines..... you name it.

On Thursday I shot Rod's Ironhead. It's funny...... a year ago we were both at the Bare Knuckle Party and we were talking about up coming builds. At that time I was thinking about cutting the trans off a Ironhead... putting a four speed behind it then putting it all in a single downtube frame. He goes on to tell me that he just cut an Ironhead in two and made a single down tube frame with a Triumph neck casting and to top it all off he was going to put a Baker 6 in a 4 behind it. That Sum Bitch! Well at least if I have questions I know who to call. He put it together ran it about five miles then rode it from Arizona to North Carolina! That's some crazy shit! Much Respect
Hell ya Rod's a RULER
If your truck is dying then the tailgate on this one is all you:
If you wouldn't mind, tell Rod that Alvarez says hi and I hope his knuckles healed up well.
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