About 3 houses down from the Lodge lies this masonry wonder. There's actually quite a few of these scattered throughout the neighborhood. Not my bag but I know some of you out there get off on it. To each his own, it's far better than some tasteless condos.
Where the fuck is that? I actually saw that building a few days ago here: http://svasticross.blogspot.com/
There's a TON of buildings in Chicago with swazis. Most are associated with buildings that were owned by Carlsberg brewing(pre-Reich, of course).
this ones on wrightwood and ridgeway, there's another on kimball south of belmont.
There's a few by the old brewery in Pilsen too.
Some nickle information.
This is also an ancient sanskrit symbol from eastern religions (hinduism, buddhism etc).
The Nazis adopted it as their symbol and tilted it on an angle.
this one looks just like the one on kimball. just a few blocks from my place, see it all the time and laugh
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