After I finished up the job at Mystic I headed to the shop. I drove my truck because I was packing photo equipment.... and of course.......the first time I don't ride my bike into the city everybody and their sister is out on the town and look'n for a good time. Sean offered up his shovel.... I was definitely not going to refuse the offer. The weather was great until I kicked that sickle over... then I started raining. We rhode up LSD...... lost Eugene.... turned around past him..... turned around again past him.... said screw it were going to the bar..... then decide to regroup at home base...... passed Brian and Joe headed to the bar..... turned around again ..... passed brain and Joe headed back to Home Base said fuck it this time we are really going to the bar. Had some drinks and got weeped on all the way back down LSD. It was great! Nothing much can compare to riding and motorcycle on a late night down Lake Shore Drive.

Slippery Pete beef'n up a swingid arm for a friend.

Panhead look'n to party

Eugene and his future Ex-bike

Eugene showing us that size does matter.

Righteous Containers.

A man that will do anything for a friend.

Slippery Petes frame stash

What....... The Brit's didn't make panheads?

Brian working hard..... but not on his pan.

Eugene Painted his frame to match the miller welder then painted his tank to match the fan.
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