Thanks so much Colleen...... I can't thank you and JP enough for all your love and help you've offered me while my life was in the ditch. You've helped me to crawl out and you still keep giving. These two have literally fed me, clothed me, tansported my ass from one side of the country to the other, gave me warm places to sleep, found me jobs, bikes to ride and a great friendship among so many other things. I couldn't ever begin to thank these two people enough! Thanks
In your journey through life you will find you have many acquaintances but very few true friends. Cherish those few true you meet along the way.
I am in a state of evaluating my "friendships" at this moment. I haven't had a good nights sleep in some time....... a lot is on my mind. It seems that I have more friends than I know what to do with but realize I only have a handfull of true friends. These friends never ask anything of me.... just my presence and would do anything for me. I have had a lot of "good friends" come along recently and demand things from me but never return the favor. It seems everyone wants what I've got but would never give back what I want. Every one seems to think I'm doing well....... I have my health and a handful of great friends that would do anything for me..... but I can't even afford to eat.......if it wasn't for my dad I'd starve....... If it wasn't for my mom I wouldn't have a roof over my head. It's time to make some changes I'm tired of being the nice guy...... letting everyone take advantage of me. Sorry for the rant but Lonnie is right...... I'm just lucky to have some of the friends and family I have in my life.
Thank you to all you.
I still got love for you, by the way how did you meet them? JP and Colleen that is?
I met Josh through Will (when he lived in Chicago) who is a good friend of Warren Jr. Will said, "you gotta meet Josh, he has some mad skills" and you know what, Will was right. Josh has that rare talent to not only see the image, but make it his own... one of the best photographers I have ever met. What Josh was missing was the connections. I spent 5 years at that point meeting people, and although I can hold my own with a camera, my real talent is meeting people and creating relationships. I wanted to help this cat, so I grabbed him up and we "road tripped" to the V-Twin expo to meet all the editors. Josh has taught me a lot about photography and I introduced him to some people he needed to know. Josh makes it sound like he is some sort of charity case, but the truth is he is a joy to travel with. I always enjoy our time together and he is a great traveling companion. My life has been made richer by knowing him and he is welcome to travel and crash in our bus anytime he wants to. He is that sort of friend.
I knew that.... I was there luv. haha
Miss you all but the sunshine y'know and the ocean. We are all called....
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