It's pretty rare that me and Mitch are home at the same time. Friday nights after work, before the night starts out we usually grab some supper together. Because we're both broke all the time and main street only has a convenience store, this has become our standard Friday night set down. Spam, white bread, mustard, hot sauce and Fritos for the crunch. Top it off with a bottle of real Coca Cola and a zebra cake for desert. It's about as American as black coffee and hand jobs and it'll leave you a couple of bucks for a tall boy and a full tank of gas. Zippity do da.
Where the fuck was I when all of this was going on?
probably chasing some lassie round town.
Oh yeah...... your right....... you guys work to much..... I had to find some ladies to occupy my time.
The key is Chili Cheese Frito's.
or splurge for kettle cooked Jalapeno chips.
When the wife's gone it's ramyon noodles with Hotdogs and spam thrown in with some mushrooms.
Chili Cheese Frito's make everything better.
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