My Grandpa Don Schuler back in his younger days. At seventy some years old he still looks pretty much like this today. Not a gray hair in his head and tuff as nails. He never stops....... can fix anything and takes great pride in what he does. I love to hear the stories of his younger years. Like the time his mother gave him some change to run and get a bottle of Coca-Cola from the general store..... it was snowing and he slipped into the roadway and ended up wrapped around the axle of a thirties car stuck beneath the front fender. He was more worried about losing the change in the snow than his life. They had to jack the car up to get him out..... walked without a scratch! As well as other stories of his Car Club'n Day's and wreck'n cars. I believe he said the name of his club was the Road Knights out of Sycamore IL. He grew up in Rochelle IL. which is near by. He still has girls he went to high school with calling wondering if Helen is dead yet........Nope..... she's still kick'n too! Love you grandpa.
1 comment:
Grandpa was a CrackerJack!
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