I remember when it really hit me. After a whole weekend of slow sipping and rolling cigarettes with Billy while taking in his REAL stories of the road. Billy and Bacon with me packing rode over to Milwaukee Mikes for a BBQ and a clutch cable for my shovel. It was Sunday afternoon and Everybody had already split back to Chicago without me cause I couldn't get my cable sorted out, so anyway it starts getting late and no cable sollution comes about and I start getting a little antsy cause I got shit to do on Monday and my buds split yadda yadda yadda. Right about then I look over at Billy sharing smiles with Big Ben and Drea and I realize that Billy doesn't know where he's gonna sleep tonight or any night for that matter let alone what life has in store for him next, and here I am worrying about my phone being dead and some lame shit that won't make a bit of difference in anybodies life let alone mine. Right at that moment I smiled and all the worry washed right off my back. Ended up spending the next morning with Billy and Bacon eating leftovers and admiring more stories.
Jr. ended up hooking me up with a ride to a shop for a cable and that evening I slow rolled back to the City thinking the whole time about Billy and the life that I've only had a small small glimpse into. Not saying I could do it or would do it, just saying that guys like Billy give you inspiration and reminders of what this shit is all about and I'm not talking about bikes. My hat is off to you Billy and I wish you and your pan many more trouble free miles, star filled nights and friendships on the road.
YES! Panhead Billy has is figured out..... what a great guy. Living life to the fullest!
i wish my fucked up head could do away with all the shit to strip it all back to the barest bones. here here.
Guys like Billy broke me of the "American Dream" at a very young age. Amen!
this might not be cool but does anyone have billys number? we're going to sturgis and i wanted to meet up with him again.
if so e-me at
thanks john.
What an awesome guy and what a great reminder of what this motorcycling thing is all about. Here's to you Panhead Billy!
Just met Panhead Billy for the first time while filling up a Laconia! He made an impression on us after chatting a short while. He said try to Google Panhead Billy and see what you find! I found your article!!! Isn't life great???
Rich (Ottawa, Canada)
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