Slippery Pete and I in Sturgis last year. From what I can remember or at least from the pictures I've seen it was an insane night. I drank too much whiskey...... I hadn't eaten in about a week and my pants wouldn't stay up so I ran around all night with my pants around my ankles. I past out in the back off Pat's Hot Rod until he started doing burn outs. I woke up the next morning and a buddy said "dude..... I found your friend Slippery Pete passed out in the middle of the asphalt parking lot this morning".
It was a good night!
That hat still has Sturgis mud on it to this day. I was trying to get back to my tent after a wicked thunder storm rolled through. I was warned at the gate that I shouldn't even try riding a bike back there. I said..." don't worry I've got this under control". I was on the FX and the mud had packed so tight in between the tire and fender it locked up. My starter didn't work and had no kick start....... I just knew I couldn't kill it out there. The front tire turned into a ski..... I went down on the right side but kept her running. Then went down on the left side and killed it. Fuck...... I just left it there until the morning. Ended up with lots of mud and an exhaust burn on my hat. Don't really know how it happened but that's how it went down.
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