Julie sent me these words and pictures of her family back in their hay day

My Ma

Notice the big twin trans. Uncle Bob worked for him after he left Harley. Webber Carb

Greg's WLA.

My Dad's friend's '42 WLA

Greg and Uncle Bob.

Uncle Bob's '49 pan

Uncle Bob's '49 pan. I have those saddle bags on my bike right now

Dad's friend's Knuck in front of Villa Park HD where Dad worked.

Dave Scabaras and my Dad in Villa Park HD


Ma's '69 Sportster

Jo and her rigid Sporty. She's been one of my heroes since I was a kid.

Greg and Uncle Bob

Dad, Ma, friend and Uncle Bob at Jo's wedding.

Workin' on Greg's bike

Some good Ol' keg racing outside of Chicago.

Greg got beat up by a huge fucker one night at the bar. His face was all banged up. Karma got the huge fucker. He hit a 4x4 on his bike, sent him over his handlebars and smashed his face.
Dang, I wish I allowed pictures of me and my family back when I was raising kids and riding our bikes...sucks today to know I was so fricken paranoid.
What great pictures and memories for this family.
that wla rules.
i like karma :-) .. and i like to read your blog, found it for a while ago and have read it since. its nice to look at all those pictures and what you write. your work your leving and the traveling with and on choppers, keep it up couse you do it good, thumps up from denmark.. greatings from per nielsen ( bsa bobber 1954 plunger framed 650cc )
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