Zac and I tare'n up the streets of Los Angeles


Will's and his fresh Pan

Dave and Brian

T-Bone just sold his Shovel so he rode Will's FXR


Leaving the Born Free Show

We got the pleasure of spending the entire weekend Troy and Nikki Both had great bikes and both just wanted to ride. I must say that Nikki jams harder than most guys I've ridden with and I'm not just saying that. The combo of Firestones, rain groves and rider/vehicle weight equaling about 110 lbs made for a really squirrelly ride down the 405. I'm not scared of to much on a motorcycle but I was definitely scared watching her. A closer glimpse revealed white knuckles lit by her big bright smile. I can't wait to ride with you guys again!

Matt's new version.... I love it!

Dave and Brian on the 405

Nikki waiting for the boys to get their shit together

I'll trade corn for Palms anyday


Brian surfing in Huntington Beach.

Chicago Willie and I rolling heavy through beach towns

Sunshine, an ocean breeze and miles of open highway

Nikki, the lizzard and the Pacific Coast Highway

Riding the Ortega Pass

Brian wondering why my bike just about did a summersault..... I didn't really have an answer.....

I caught wind that Duane Ballard had finished his Pink Taco..... yeah.... yeah.... sounds weird....... anyway we had to stop in Lake Elsinore to see it and say hi to Lisa, Daune and Wayne.

Troy blast'n on his sweet Pan. His bike grew on me so much over the weekend...... it became one of my favorites...... you just need to see it in person.

The Wilbur 3 craving Hot Dog Casserole on the 91

Nash and Mike D met us at the Fill'n Station leaving Grant and Harpoon's BBQ

Nash Forgot to take his pill before hitting the highway so we waited for him and Brian to sallow. While waiting I took the pills that Zac gave me and watched as Mike D turned into a spirit on the highway's edge.
Thanks to everyone!
Looks like great times wish I would have been there
Will and I are going to stare at our pics for a while. :)
Thanks for that comment, now you know, I ain't no puss.
I hope we can hit the roads again soon-I'm coming down from a big high.
It was rad to seee you guys wish we could of road togehter in the family truckster hugs and kisses to all love Jeremiah
soon enough we will all share the pavement.
I'm the other Nash, his daughter.
Just moved to Chicago a couple weeks ago, down in Bridgeport. He said I should get in touch with you, I guess just to network out here, try to find a job and all that.
So hey! I'm Sydney.
Sydney, give us an email so we can give you the rules of the city. For real, if you need anything get ahold of me and we'll get you straightened out. empirebwh@hotmail.com
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