I was in need of a rear fender for the Locust. I liked ribbed wassel fenders but only had a budget of about five dollars for a fender so a fancy wassel was out of the question. I was chill'n with Warren at a swap meet and he was trying to sell a skirted front fender. He sold it to me for five bucks and I turned it into something that fit my tastes.

This is what I started with.

Removed the skirts

Removed the paint and found center.

Welded some round stock in for strength and esthetics.

I didn't run the rib all the way around because I wanted the seat to fit flat to the fender.

I continued the rib on the bottom half to make it look as if it were a fully ribbed fender.
WHAT? how cool is that.........
that is an interesting way to skin that cat..lookin groovy mr. kurpius..groovy indeed..
Ohhh yeah, that's a very cool and cheep way to make a kick ass fender.
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