Any of us here have a hard time pasing our beloved onto those that aren't family. I have no problems about something of mine putting a grin on one of my pals faces but I don't know if I could stomach a perfect stranger running around on something I put my blood, sweat and tears into. That being said, the Minnow chassis now belongs to Ratchet with his motor, trans and other goodies filling the voids. This leaves me with a full heart knowing that my friend is stoked and I get to ride next to him, almost better than owning it.
Ratchets frame went to Bobby Pullups and will get the same eventual treatment as the case of the Minnow, leaving both of them on the good side of things. Around here the financial gain of selling to a stranger holds half the weight of trading amongst friends, not that it doesn't happen out of necessity at times, but we all have a hard time letting shit go. I'm super into the way Ratchets dressing it up to meet his style and like all forms of evolution I think he's taking whats there and making it better.
I also got my seat back from good ole Rich Phillips this week, I way dig it and it holds me better than a high school sweetheart. Thanks Rich!
right on!
The apes look cool on that bike.
looks good with thAt setup! nice!
high school sweethearts do hold tight, mine still does.
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