I started by filling in the front portion to give the axle less travel. I planned on running a 19" rim and the tire would hit the cross bar so I eliminated the unneeded travel.

I then slimmed down the plates just a tad.

I put a silly little tail on my motor mount so I mimicked it on the drop out.

Beak welded in. At this time my dad didn't have a whole lot of metal lying around the shop but found the basketball hoop I used to dunk on as a child and cut/welded the pieces of the hoop into my drop outs.

Kid, this shit looks way awsome in person, got to see the locus and meet you in sturgis this year at the broken spoke, i was the drunk yelling kemosabe when I saw ya!!!! Hey nice write up in the HOG mag also. Might have to stop liking ya, to main stream..... ha
Josh, I dig these build-up posts man, it shows how much work and time that metalwork took! Good shit.
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