I was out for a little ride with a friend that just bought his first bike. I was giving him shit and telling him that he better keep up. We were about 35 miles from home when I caught a lip in the pavement. I don't really know what I was thinking..... I saw it but I guess it didn't look as high as it was. My front tire went one way and the back end went another like a pin wheel sliding across the pavement. It felt like a graceful slide but still managed to tear open the knee in my best pair of jeans.

She's a little banged up

Some bent handlebars, controls, dent in the tank and busted up clutch.

Snapped all the studs in the clutch basket. This week I was going to make some stout mids that would protected the vital organs because I always seem to be dropping and crashing my bikes. I was a few days late.

The lip that fucked up my jeans.

It didn't take long to mess up my pretty gas tank.
The funny thing is I didn't have my camera on this day. I pulled out my camera phone and took these snaps. I'm quite amazed it it's quality. Thinking back.... Every time I have crashed on a motorcycle I didn't have my camera strapped around my neck. It is a very rare occasion that I would be riding without a camera. A lot of people have said that I am going to kill myself shooting from a bike which may happen but..... it seems I only have problems when I don't have a camera in my hands while I'm riding.
Dang! At least you walked away!
I wrecked my bike yesterday too, on the way home from the BMR. I feel yo pain.
hate uneven pavement. glad you're okay though for selfish reasons. someone's gotta keep taking killer pics.
the cameras are damn lucky. Ever since I bled all over mine its been obligated to protect me. it becomes part of your soul so when you don't have it you are only half there :)
I bet you'll find some classy way to turn that dent in your tank into something real snazzy. Keep on keepin.
Glad you're allright. Now you can put a killer patch on them jeans.
i too, am glad to hear just the bike and the denim got the venom...i will start lookin for a cool patch to send ya...
dang man!! glad the meat grinding was kept to the absolute minimum. When you figure out how to make your open primary impact proof let me know.
Dammmm dude !!!slow down !!!!its cheap and aesy to fix the sheet metal!!! bones cost a little more!!its one for the books ... glad your OK.....sorry no clutch basket parts ,but I do have a fork brace
Glad you are ok!
Holy shit! I about did the same thing last week. Only it was about 3 in the morning and I was screwing around in this parking lot not from from my place. I was looking too far ahead and didn't even see the 6 or 7 inch curb I hit until I was about half way over it. Luckily I was able to keep the bike up and get back down the other side of the curb. Total damage a blown out sidewall on my front tire. I been meaning to get that front end powder coated anyway. Riding home (about 6 miles) with a flat front tire at 3 in the morning (going about 5mph) sucked!
Crashing fucking SUCKS.
Same thing here, in terms of no-camera-wrecks. But on my last one my bags puked all my shit all over the highway and I walked out down a few lenses, a body and a G9. I still haven't replaced it all...
Fuck wrecking.
better come down Lake Street before they finish the resurface. I was ripping down it today and ran into a strip like this for what seemed like 10 blocks. Man-hole covers and square patches stickin out off the stripped off surface about 6 inches. It was like riding through an asteroid field.
Glad your OK, I am from MN and we have 2 season Winter and Road-construction. hand in hand... Keeps you on your toes!
Josh, Said what's up to you as you were walking out of KF-TapNTaco. My apologies I couldn't stop to chat, needed beer and tacos (long ass ride from MN and we had to make it quick, cuz we had to ride back that same night). Good thing this accident didn't hurt you too bad (aside from your jeans). I'm sure I have parts to help you get back on the road. Email me gamarrasergio@gmail.com I can send em to ya for the price of shipping if you need.
Thanks everyone.... I'll blame this one on my front end. It's a whacky one. Sergio... I just read your comment.. thanks for the offer... but she's already up and running.
You're welcome.
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