Wednesday, December 16, 2009

You either have one or you don't

No matter how rigid your walk, time will always tell which side of the line you truly stride. It boggles my mind how quickly one can puke their own spine onto the concrete in a moment of inconvenience. I've made my share of poor decisions in life but there is not a day gone by that I haven't looked in the mirror knowing that the man looking back at me has stood up for the right thing no matter the consequences. I've had my my ass kicked and I've dragged a few dudes upside down through the parking lot but either way my stance has always been made clear. It's a question that only you can ask yourself and only you know the answer to.


Miriam said...

this kicks so much ass

Mongo said...

i'm even more scared of you now

Jim Franco said...
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Jim Franco said...

I don't doubt you but sometimes, if you have to say're tryin' to convince yourself. It is or it isn't... talking about it is ...well, .....I think you know.

B Harlow said...

Sorry Jim, this relates directly to a few folks in my life. Nice try though.

Mongo said...

Now I love you again and want to cuddle

Jim Franco said...

OK....I guess you know...hope you're having a great Christmas....Stay tough, big fella'
