I was in the middle of gathering up all of my camera gear for a trip to california when my phone starts buzzing. My friend Danny is screaming at me about this Ironhead survivor bike that was on craigslist in Michigan. I was like yeah... whatever.. I don't need another piece of shit ironhead taking up my space..... I mean my dad's space. He insisted I look at it. So I did....my jaw hit my keyboard and my heart punched my monitor. I had to wake up at four in the morning to catch a plane to SoCal. I frantically schemed up some of ways to get my hands on it. So I called Bacon.... Together we had enough green to buy the thing but he had to deliver a Panhead to Cali and was leaving the next afternoon as well. He said don't worry we'll get it. So he did some wango dangoing and sealed the deal while I was above the Rockies eating my complimentary meal. Now that we where both in the midwest area and all the christmas bullshit was wrapped up we took a trip to Michigan today and picked up mister Baker's Shaker. It appeared on the cover of Street Chopper April 1979 with a Ron Finch Ironhead. It has tons of history but I will get to that in a latter post. So here she is as she sits now. Stay tuned.
could you imagine BOB ROSS doing 70mph on that thing;with his bitchin Fro dragging in the wind and purple paint for tears leaking from his uncovered eyes?
WOW! I am the oldest daughter of Dale Baker. I was 12 years old when my Daddy built this bike! Thank you so much for posting this. Memories! I miss Him so!
holy shit!! what i would do to have that bike
get totally fucked.
in a nice way ...
Awesome find. Shit I would of been more then happy to go pick here up for you just for a run around the block with her.
holy cow!
unbelievable. congrats.
That needs to go in a glass case.
good thing you didn,t have me pick it up!!! you would have had to KILL me...GREAT SCORE!!!!!!
I saw that thing on CL. Glad somebody that doesn't suck at life got a hold of it!
Nice Pick guys ,
We can`t find any of those kinds over here
in belgium.
Damn pretty thang bro`s .
Cheers Guzzmen
i'm glad that fell into the right hands. thats a treasure find right there!
awesome. I hope you guys put it back to the way it was in the magazine.
you sure you guys didn't built that in the last week or so?
Dude, Bro!! That thing would make a SICK bobber!
No Really, badness!
Love the Frazetta art.
that's one happy end of 2009!
great... now i get to inhale the smoke from THAT thing all the way around the lake?!?!
nice find man!
That's funny as shit Tony.
wow josh , now i know why you had a boner tellin me about it. unreal!
dude that thing rules I remember it from the Pileup a few years ago. Oh ya man mike and I are picking up a friend for it on friday we hope.
Looks like a born free 2 winner??
very cool
could you imagine BOB ROSS doing 70mph on that thing;with his bitchin Fro dragging in the wind and purple paint for tears leaking from his uncovered eyes?
D A M N !
Holy fucking shit. Urban legend turned reality.
WOW! I am the oldest daughter of Dale Baker. I was 12 years old when my Daddy built this bike! Thank you so much for posting this. Memories! I miss
Him so!
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