Brian is right...... it's been hotter than a bag of assholes around here. Can't say that's the only reason why I shaved. A women will make you do crazy things! Cougars are fun and all but I need to find me a young little hotty.
Watch out Dean..... there's a new heart throb in town!
God damn DR Jekyll and Mr Hyde there
dont feel bad man i lost the mop like 4 days ago took off 5 inches of stregth of my lid..
Josh, you should have kept like a happy medium between Viking and Mr. Clean. My wife seen the picture and said you look 1000% better shaved and 20 years younger. What the hell does she know?!? Anyway, I had to beat her back she stared too long at you so to get her attention I went and shaved my head again, did the trick.
What, weren't you getting your mac on already with the Dr. Zaius look?
love the new look dude, clean cut but still on the creepy side like me
grow it back man you look like a 16 year old.....
Ride old bikes. Ride old girls. That's what I say.
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