About a week ago my front pulley flew off and into some tall prairie grass but probably made it's way into the nearby pond. I searched the area high and low on a few different occasions with no luck of finding it. I'm not sure exactly how many teeth were on it but I do know the rear(clutch hub) has 76 teeth on it. My friend Mike gave me a 45 tooth pulley but it seems to be to small since the belt is very loose. I haven't done the math yet but I don't want to loose any on the top end. I think I need something like a 47 tooth pulley? Anyone know the math on the right ratio? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
E-mail me at joshkurpius@hotmail.com

This was my set up before it flew apart
same thing happened to me on the 10 freeway just west of LA and in the interim i amassed a pile of crank pulleys of all tooth counts before i got a whole new belt drive setup, let me check.
i have a 46!
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