I swung by the old shop last night to see whats been happening on that side of the alley. Gennaro almost has Tonys ironhead wrapped up and looking all kinds of good. As soon as he turns the sportster loose he can put some attention into his shovel that he picked up from Big Nasty(Cro's brother) down in Florida. If you ask me that shovel is done but Gennaro never disappoints.
nastys shovel just needs black heads, then its done.
My brother loved on the bike for a while.. he was really bummed to let it go, but at least a good cat is getting it. I frico'd the tank for him and make that funky sissy bar, I wouldn't be sad if you lost that.
The motor is fresh, the paint is fresh.. it has zero miles. G man got a smoking deal.. LOVE IT..
Nice bike for sure I wanted to bu it but got side tracked with being broke, run it with pride Greaser!
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