We were working on a car in a friend's drive way. The wheels lie in rest on two strips of compact ground which straddled a strip of green grass. My nose dripped slightly in the cold air. It was when his wife emerged from the house with some hot apple cider and freshly baked corn bread that I realized it was now my favorite time of year.

The weather has been unreal around here lately. The air is crisp and dry, blue skies go forever, yellow leaves floating to the ground in the rays of a golden sun and the stars are in full attendance.

It seems that at about this time of year my bike is held together with a year of quick fixes but I ride it harder than I have ever ridden it before knowing what's lurking around the corner. It's almost like I want to break it because it's coming apart in a few months anyway.

I've been on the road since Sturgis. I haven't had the time to explore the lesser known backroads, gravels roads and dirt paths in my new region. I have found hardships on just about every trip out of the driveway but is suppose that's what makes things exciting..... flat tires...... Endos over railroad tracks.... Electrical shorts.... 250 foot gravel slides through stop signs.... Broken bolts..... bee stings.... Frantic deer encounters.... Blown up tail lights.... stuck valves.... I even got hit by a football.

I changed out my rear tire before the Country Mile because the previous was showing chords. This would be the fifth tire I put on the rear rim this year. I've been circulating through the junk tires at Bravetown to get me through the year. The newest is hard as a rock. So hard that I rode 40+ miles with zero air pressure and didn't even realize it. I'm lucky I didn't break the bead.

I thought I may have bent a valve.
Photo: Haley Murray

Last saturday everybody and their mother was out on a motorcycle. The only thing I could figure was that most of these people forgot to ride their bike all year and figured they had better get on and ride it a few miles before the snows flys. I ride everyday and I never see more than 3 bikes on the road on any given day... not counting the same 5 bikes that never leave their spot in front of the bar........ Although I really enjoyed passing heards of twin cams, V-rods and crotch rockets on a cobbled together Panshovel.

awesome shots as always, JK. I liked seeing that magazine spread with your work recently as well. you da man!
beautiful! When I see pics like this I get a little teary.
great shots man. I've been ridin like a mad man all summer. This time of year though, it's just awesome.
The weather has been so killer, it's hard to believe father winter is almost upon us. Nice photos. Stock the frige.
Good fotos. Wood - Bike - Run = Live.
Now if I can just get home to ride period! That would be awesome.
i really like it with the short front end. beautiful photos too josh.
Your pics almost make me miss Illinois, especially in the fall.. it's where I grew up. But before long that shit will start falling from the sky.
My stir craziness is ending now that the AZ summer is over.
Your pictures are phenomenal.
I'm gonna tell you what you aways tell me. Leave the bike alone, it's done.
that first pic is incredible.
Good stuff Josh! just keep riding that cobbled together PanShovel and sharing your stories.
8,000 miles this year on my ratty ironhead. its a beautiful thing to brag about when the dresser-rider says: "i bet you don't go very far on that old thing".
Excellent as always. I live down the road in IL, and always know exactly what you mean.
that was killer josh......have a good winter....we ride all year. it doesn`t even rain here. cool, huh?
Great pics as always Sir, but elaborate on the football incident.
kid threw a football into the street & it bounced off of us on the bike. dumb kids.
dumb kids alright! im not sure how cobbled that bike is.. it looks just right
jesus christ, I could barely look at these photos, they're too incredible.
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