I had a good feeling when Petey picked up the hack job frame at the swap that it would end up in my possession. We worked out a deal with the rent and after he cut out all the garbage it ended up on my bench. Got everything shaved, slugged and ready for some new dimensions today. I figure since it is already a chop job then I don't mind adding an 1-1/2" to the down tubes to straight-line the backbone with the rear legs. You can see the old backbone that Petey cutout, the down tubes were even worse but the castings were good all around. Went through and welded the cracks and notorious weak spots and also made room in the seat post for easy setting motors. Should wrap it up this week and start scratching my head.
I'm also picking up my first bike this week. My '78 KZ100. I gave it to an employee 5 years ago as a basket case that I never finished in exchange for some work on my house. I ended up doing the work myself so when I ran into him this week he said "come get it, it's your bike" super stoked to build a Mad Max machine for throwing on the backpack and running errands with an electric start.
The KZ's in Mad Max were badass. That movie got me into motorcycles-the bikes-the riding and the stunts. Check out kzrider.com lots of cool KZ info on there. nice forum too with lots of tech info, builds, chops, bobs, rebuilds, etc....
if you wanna sell that frame let me know got some trades, and other stuff?
Lookin good so far dude..you got a heartbeat for it yet? Roadside
Negative on the heartbeat Roadside. Kinda back burner project but you never know.
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