Riding out to the Mississippi River last weekend for a camping trip, Mitch and myself came across this 81 ironhead for sale. Made a couple of calls and my buddy Harlan was the lucky duck. He's super stoked to be back on two wheels and ready to give it some personality. Runs like a top with a clean title $1500. On our way back from picking up the sporty we stopped at Kid Kurpius' shop to grab my panhead. Shot the shit and checked out the Kids progress on his ironhead. Fuck me. I used to think that photography was the Kids calling but this bike is gonna fuck people up so bad. It is absolutely the next level and done with pure class. This kids talent spills. Also got some great shots of The Kid tearing up his country roads but you'll have to wait for those. Backroads, old friends and some new projects. Perfect day.
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