Friday, March 4, 2011

The way home.

On the way home from Sturgis we traveled the lesser known pathway to the east. The first leg involved a lot of gravel which completely destroyed my camera. Even so it was one of the most spectacular rides I've ever been on.


WisconsinWillard said...

Great picture, great people.

Kansas Scout said...

Gravel also eats tires but the really scenic routes without the billboards and such are there. Good pic.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, gives me goose bumps. Did many miles on the gravel roads through Custer, hangn with the Buffalo. Back in Sept spend plenty of time on the back roads of GA and the south. Now I'm itch'n

Warren Jr. said...

Memories! Rolling hills and lots of gravel. Love getting "lost"

Ailton© said...

"Bad Hair Day Rules" :")