You can almost see the ache of their hearts. The only benefit of winter is that all the bikes get torn down and overhauled for another season while others come to life. Spring can not get here fast enough, I fear that somebody might actually lose it this year. There's a flock of new bikes coming out of the shop this spring to ride under the watchful eye of veteran machines. Some will stay and some will go but we will all be on the road again with true bliss being only a kick away. If your in the cold, keep your head up and your heart hungry. Close your eyes and let the warm wind bring you the familiar smells of fresh cut fields and oil soaked denim while you glance over to catch your pals smiling in the setting sun. Soon enough we'll be blazing new trails and telling stories of the lives we live with the very few in this world that understand us.
Each and every year we make more drastic decisions in order to live this life to the fullest. We lose relationships and care less and less about the comforts in life in order to spend as much time as we can on the road with each other. These are our lives and we will take care of each other to the end. Your 401k will be a piece of paper when you die but your stories will be told with big grins and heavy hearts by those who loved you.
couldnt havve been better put. cheers to that. just rode to my friends house who was tuning some carbs on an old honda. when i got there, he was racing up and down his street, giving her a little shake down. we sat and spoke of greener grass and the miles weve already got planned for this spring. 34 degrees in indy today and a little sun.
Glad your out getting it. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a bit of you guys come summer. Sorry I missed you guys when you were running around with JJ and Eugene. Keep your head up.
Stay mototivated!
Amen! You've articulated the heartache of this season like a poet.
We're loosing it here in philly. Warm weather can't come soon enough.
Well said my good man.
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