Our friend Jon Arturi aka Johnny Appleseed was over in Japan visiting some friends and made time to swing by the Brat Style shop. Here's a quick recap from him.
Alright Bri guy, here's the story. Sent you a bunch of pic's. pick whatever ones you find most interesting.
Took a trip to Japan to visit my oldest best friend. Couldn't pass up a chance to visit the Bratstyle shop just north of proper Tokyo in Matsue. I've been thinking about buying stuff off of their site for a while and figured it'd be way more fun to take a handful of trains and track down the shop in person. After using my less than great Japanese to get directions from some policemen we found the shop.
The dudes that worked at the shop didn't speak any English but were super pumped that I was there. The only dude that spoke any English was the owner and after he told his guys that I was from Chicago they were even more excited. I found out that dude had owned the shop for 12 years and it showed. There were so many rad bikes parked out in front of the shop, bikes that I'd been staring at on the internet for years, and now they were in front of me. Talked to the owner about the cb550 I'm building and found out that they call those CB "Go Go's." Go is the Japanese word for 5. Pretty rad.
He said I couldn't take too many pictures inside of the shop cause he didn't want me taking pictures of customer's bikes but I did manage to take a few. After about 15 minutes of halfway understanding each other I bought some handlebar switches and a t-shirt that says "Bratstyle" and "Be first Be cool" on it. All in all it was one of the raddest things I did in Japan. They wrote down my name and where I was from so I'll definitely go back and say what's up the next time I'm in Japan.
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