As usual the Cook Out was a blast. JP, Colleen and Dave really know how to throw a party!

Gas stop in western IL.

I had to stop and adjust my points

Peace in the corn

Eugene lost his tread in this field


Oasis in the corn fields

Joe beating his own drum while Sean and Deb try their best to follow it

Sean and Deb jamm"n

everything is bliss in Lake Geneva

Souls worn thin

Skip'n Rocks

Eugene was that little kid that just wouldn't give up with the mini bike

We gave each other jail style tattoo's

Bacon's fresh Tat

My first attempt at tattooing

Slippery Pete and Stacy


Tats the next morning

Warren and Bacon are joining forces on a Panhead project. On Tuesday Bacon and Rod started by disassembling the motor.

The innards were a little banged up

On wednesday I did a shoot for Harley's HOG magazine. On the phone they said they liked my riding shots. I asked if they knew how I went about getting those shots. They found out really quick when a I filled their full faced helmets full of blue smoke. It was actually a really fun shoot to be honest.

Later that night I met up with Cody and rode out to his parents house to fetch his tent and sleeping bag. We did about 90 miles an hour down the lake front pissing people off as we split lanes. I really enjoy riding with this kid. Fast is all he knows..... I like it.
Thursday night Warren, Cody, Tony Bag O donuts and I blasted down to chicago. Again all go and no bullshit. A ride I'll never forget.
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