On the way from Davenport up to Milwaukee Eugenes rear tire started delaminating and throwing rubber at Joe like a meteor storm so we pulled off into a field to assess the situation. Either make a run for a 16" rear and some fix-a-flat then run over the old rubber to break the bead or call Donuts to make the 60 mile trek. As we're discussing options Josh says "I think there's a stripper club a few miles up the way". This seemed like a far better place to make such a decision and would also entice Tony bag 'o' donuts to make the trip. While snapping silky neon lingerie straps we started to realize how many headlights and brake lights were out amongst us so we decided that we should hit the road. Eugene said "screw it" lets see how far I get. We made it about another 20 miles or so and he was riding a slick. With darkness setting in we called it and got Donuts on his way. We left little ole Eugene with a sweatshirt and some jerky and wished him luck.
Back on the road we put the good tail lights in back and the good headlights in front while the four half lit rocked the middle and we moved like a machine. We passed a handful of cops in excess of the speed limit and underlit but were left completely alone to take on the night. Really fun ride following black bikes on black roads with nothing but the rumble to keep us in sinc like a cadence. Finally made it to Milwaukee and settled in over at Cook Customs in their tour bus. Eugene and Donuts pulled in a couple of hours later with a half drank case of beer and bloodshot eyes. Thanks Donuts for the roadside assistance, Eugene for calling upon your inner viking while camping out on the side of a cornfield in the dark and of course JP, Colleen and Dave at Cook Customs for the never ending hospitality.

Joe(Rusty) picking a bunk on Cooks luxurious accommodations.
what a poet with words..........
Has anyone seen Brian Harlows new terrible tattoo? Rotten Eagles?????
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