Brandi was up from Ohio.... We chased the sun for four whole days.

We chased the sun... the moon chased us.

Past the old homestead on Kirkland road.

North of Gelena, IL.

We stopped in at the Iron Horse Social in Savana, IL. for a quick drink. Jerry the owner was digging on my bike and invited us into the depths of his various establishments on the block. He has an amazing collection of motorcycles and a very humble man. Thanks Jerry!

A Sporty he just finished

K model hill climber

The antique store inside the bar

Frank Fritz's first bike


The wedding chapel above the bar


She'll even fill yer tank!

Russell's Woods

Harvest is in full effect which means the deer are being flushed out of the fields.

Enjoying the last sunset
awesome as always
The photos are amazing! looks like a great trip.
I travel a few those same Roads often. I wish my eye's captured them like your lens. Great photos
its crazy how strange your neck of the woods looks, being that I have never really been east of the Rockies.
Spent my first 35 years in IL then moved to AZ. Your pictures make me miss it for the first time in 7 years.
very cool josh............
"Chasing the sun," "we chased the sun" and "we chased the sun" again. Get an original thought - not a copy/paste x3 stolen thought.
I guess we shouldn't expect much outta another blogs before hogs kinda guy. It's sad when you need to post so many pictures to strangers online in order to feel like your "outlaw biker" image is vindicated.
Someones sippin
Great pics-Dave Mann could have made a painting out of some of those scenes. Thanks for posting.
Anonymous is cracking me up, wow. What an ass. The only thing I find wrong with that collection of photos is that there weren't more.
Amazing Photos!!!
Wait one second, there was a little truth in anonymous said, but it's not right just to single this person out.
It's 2011 you see it everywhere, it's crazy, the Internet is a wild place, unlike no other place before never has there been a place you can sell your 'character' or your 'image' to some as obviously and flamboyantly. It's 2011 is fucking
turning into a wild world, quite a disgusting world fake and fakerrrrr.
I just posted a comment, the one above. Fuck I am high.
It's funny how when people have something bad to say about another they remain anonymous. Im thinking the only reason you said this is because you a) don't know Josh or b) you're jealous. You obviously don't know him or that his heart is in the right place. He doesn't need to post pictures to prove it, his friends and the people who know him already know what's up. Have a nice day.
Where in the hell do you find a gilr like that in Ohio? I been looking for years. Great pics as always, Josh.
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