I thought the last time was a few days ago. I was ripping down Cherry Valley Blacktop with the throttle pinned wide open when I realized that I had no brakes what so ever. I used my engine to brake, got home and parked it in the garage thinking the weather was about to change anyway. The neighborhood has been deafly quite the last few days. I was working in the garage and heard the kids running around outside. I figured I had better jerry-rig my brake to get a few miles in.

Cowboys and Indians! It's not a game it's a lifestyle. These kids are always on the hunt. There's another I see quite often that wouldn't be caught without his cowboy boots, cuffed pants and button up shirt but his mom yells at him when he comes to close to the motorcycle house.

The days are growing shorter
You'd better go visit that Mom with bottle of wine in hand. That little guy in cowboy hat and cuffed pants needs to be inspired in the way of two wheels. If his Moms worried about him gettin to close it must be his destiny.
Looks like the smoke stacks of the Byron Nuclear plant. Was riding out through Esmond this weekend and had a similiar view. Those stacks are a bit menacing up close.
great stuff...
"jerry" rig/jj rig huh? might be careful next time you do that, might run into a cadillac escalade, fence, or who knows what else in the midst of banshing....bend your tubes right up real quick...
not only an amazing photographer, you're quite the story teller as well.
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