Here they are!!
Full color, iron-on transfers. They look great on any color fabric. Get em while they are HOT!!
(domestic only for the time being)
Apply professionally with 375-385F for 6-8 seconds.
Remove paper immediately while garment
is still on the transfer machine
Why don't you bring at least one up to Milwaukee this weekend?!?
got it - swwweeeeet
still got mine from the born-free show. you`re an insane artist
Hey Thanks? glad you guys dig em who bought em and hope those that get em dig em! Ha!
please be patient on your order because some sorry motherfucker stole my box of boxes! no shit!
Cant wait to get mine! Ordered last night!
just ordered.
I want it autographed
Damn, how you can buy them in Russia?
Any estimate on shipping day? I keep running to mailbox!
Arrived today, unbelievable. Feel so fortunate to have a piece of your work in such a great medium. Thanks, now I gotta try not to mess them up.
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