Word travels a bits slower out here in the farm fields. I just found out that Mitch was hit by a car in the city yesterday. After a sort stay in the hospital he made his way back to the shop. He had just put a new front end on his bike which now completely mangoled...... at least he is ok. Downtown Chicago is a pretty gnarly place to ride a motorcycle... it's only a matter of time before you get clipped by a car. This is Mitch's only means of transportation and he rides it to work everyday.... rain or shine.... sleet or snow... he plays roulette on a daily basis.

I hope your pains subside soon.
get well soon
Viking greetings
hope your doing ok man. good luck with everything man.
Damn Mitch, sorry to hear that. Hope the injuries aren't too bad.
Sorry to hear. I see Mitch riding down Des Plaines every now and again. Get well soon.
get well homie.
That city is a bitch!!! Best wishes for a speedy recovery Mitch
uh..Ramble Tamble. Gotcha Mitch!
Feel better, hope you are back in the saddle soon! Mike
Thanks guys. I'm good. banged up a little. Nothing broken. The bike and I, will both be up and running soon.
Trust me. nobody sees you out there.
said it before i'll say it agin; being a biker gives you one superhuman power....
it makes you invisible
all the best mate, you sound like the full pallet.
good to hear you are alright man...chicago traffic is fuct
As some else who's only mode of tranpo is a bike, get well soon buddy!
Heal up. hope nothing too serious. I've been hit in Chicago more times than I can count, none my fault.
feel better man!
i see mitch every now and then in my hood riding down wrightwood. hope you get back up soon, i ride to work downtown too, and it sucks shit.
sacramento to grand, all the way in. once i pass milwaukee, it's game-on for douchery
stay well
Mitch, I owe you some beers!
Thanks for help with the getting the clutch back in working order. Sorry to hear about your scoot but glad to see your back in good shape.
Thanks guys. I appreciate it. as of Wednesday, a Non-displaced femur head fracture is the only thing broke so far. So I parked my OL's bike for a lil while.:)
Hey Jamie. sorry about the metric wrenches
get well soon man!!!
dig the crazy pic..and classic reference to an iconic place/time..
ride safe
thanks guys for the good wishes. it worked. I'm back on two wheels again.
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