While in Austin we all met up with Dale Watson for lunch. He was going be playing at the Little Longhorn Saloon later that afternoon so we followed him to the north end of town and checked it out. Free Hot Dogs.... Great Music.. and a chance to win cash playing Chicken Shit Bingo. Yep... if the chicken shits on your number you get the pot.

Texas Pride

Waiting for it to shit on my number

Rico and Scott Craig

Sean getting ready to party


Dale Rock'n out

The keeper of the chickens

Scott, Dan and Troy

More Texas pride

Felice and Bacon

Thanks Scott

We met these ladies at lunch so they decided to come too....

This chick was gnarly as hell.... from the South Side of Chicago... stab wounds to prove it.

Drinking Lone Star and showing off Scars

It got rowdy

As a guy who has lived in both Chicago and Austin, i'm glad to see you had a good time in Texas.
Man! when i used to live out there we'd go to the Little Longhorn i think on thursday nights to see Dale for free...i miss the music in Texas...that and the food, not much else.........
Nice post Josh! Been a longggggg winter... nice to see your back at it.
last couple posts were pretty cool josh. always love the photos but the words add so much more...........see you in june. ride safe, be peace, nash
you guys were a stones throw from where i work...
Welcome to my home dude!!
By the way, where is Bacon's shop located?
We NEED chicken shit bingo in Boulder. I'm inspired.
fuck this....im moving to Austin
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