While I was in Austin I spent a lot of time with Bacon at his new shop. He's got a pile of motors going together at all times. I can't say I know another sole that eats, sleeps and breathes motorcycles they way he does. He only eats because he has to.... rarely sleeps and when he does he has conversations about Knuckleheads that are clear as day. Every morning at about 5:30 I'd hear his feet hit the floor and two seconds later he'd be nudging me saying... "hey... lets go to the shop!" as if he were a puppy ready to go for a walk. It's a trip spending time with him and wish it would happen more often.

Mario's Pan Motor

Bacon's crazy valve set up

A handful of guys rode out from California. Brian went down at 85 mph. Him and Sean were getting on it when Brian's bike went into a speed wobble. Luckily he made it out alive with really only a torn up arm. Moreland was on his way out to hunt wild hogs in Texarkana so he grabbed Brian's and dropped it at the shop.

Sean and Rico discussing something really important I'm sure.

Sean looking over his beauty of a panshovel after a 1500 mile ride.

Scotty Craig

Bacon putting together an Ironhead motor for me.

Bacon's Knuckle
what's the name and location of Bacon's new shop in Austin? thanks.
Bacon's shop is not open to the public if you would like him to rebuild a motor or a full on bike build contact him directly at dc-choppers@hotmail.com
Cool post Josh ! Thanks.
sweet pics wish we could've hung out a few more days
Very cool great guy Im glad to see all is going great in TX
Definitely a genuine guy, and like you stated, this cat breathes motorcycles. Thanks Bacon, for the rebuild and help along the way! I gotta add, that it was great meeting you as well Josh...a true gent and helluvan artist!
Is that Jesse James in picture number 6? sure looks like him if its not.
Rob Fortier??
Love your pictures man, really inspiring & with summer coming up here(and my bike almost finished & summer ready) i feel lucky & happy to see them and read your true stories.
Ride Safe!!!
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