Hiked a few miles into town for coffee where i met micah. He said i dont know what your doing but your doing it right. When he came out he said dont leave, i got something for ya. 5 minutes later he pulls up with his daughter henrietta and this hat for when it gets cold. I kindly thanked him and accepted the gift. Right after that josh called wanting to bring me a gift and we Met in the corn where i hopped a ride to the next town packed to the gils doing 80mph on the sketchy ass locust. Had some burgers and some conversation then pieced out. About 3 miles down the road dave and sandy pull up and say they saw some cowboy on the back of a chopper in town and if i needed a ride. Fo sho, start talking bikes and sandy lights a joint with her tattooed hands and after shes flooded the cab half a joint later she asks if i smoke. Sure do, then she starts talking about zombies and im pretty stoned so i ask if we can stop before town. Whole effin farm full of zombies, i just kept thinking how fucking scary it wouldve been to roll up on this in the dark on foot. They ended up driving me like 30 miles plus the 15 me and josh did, pumped. Now im drinking beers.
Makings of a great trip man- way to slow it down for a minute- thanks for taking us along- be safe
Been listening to Mescalito and Junky Star quite a bit the last few day while pondering your journey, True Freedom takes balls and your walkin the walk..Respect.
Fuckin children of the corn brian...be careful..
just keep thinking about that pizza / weed party waiting for you once you get into the high rockies...
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