Finally came on an orchard and cider mill where my lunch was given to me free of charge and was insisted into seconds of dutch apple pie and ice cream. The sweet woman asked where i was sleeping, to which i replied "i dunno" followed by her "well aint ya worried them coyot's is gonna get ya" and i said "i wasnt until you just said that". Then she gave me a half dozen fresh donuts for the road.

I just called him Bud, we were soaked together

First watering hole, told myself i wouldn't pass one. Rolled dice for shots and talked about how beans were a wiser crop this year.

First sunset with my donuts

Safe travels. Keep sharing!
Holy shit. You really are doin it huh Harlow? My admiration and envy runs deep. Safe Steppin.
Sixty lb pack ? What, you takin' the kitchen sink too ?
Holy shit! Im so fuckin stoked. This is going to be great.
Cheers Brian!
beautiful.. If you can, find a book called Walking The Trail by Jerry Ellis. It will be a great read on your trip.
god speed
wow..You need a banjo
Take care of your feet, dry sock,s and lot,s of talkum powder.Water is paramount!!!
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