My system hard drive took a shit on me which is why my posts have been few and far between. It's back up to tip top shape so I will be posting photos from recent trips and experiences starting with a trip to Bloomington Indiana this past weekend for Otto Herr's first birthday party.
The city streets were hot so we hugged the lake until we reached Gary Indiana

Air Conditioning

Eugene and his Ol' Lady made it to Indiana but developed some bad vibrations and decided to turn around and hop in the truck.

Brad, Mark and myself hit the county roads and took our sweet time heading south. The path treated us well on this day.

I wish I could make these images scratch and sniff.

Cool air in the low lands and shade trees

Big bends and rolling hills

This was one of the best rides I had ever been on until we made it three blocks from our destination. We were rolling slowly down hill behind a car when I dropped a cylinder. Closer inspection revealed a bent intake valve in the rear cylinder. I pushed it up a gnarly hill and into Dave Herr's Driveway.... that's how close I was. I guess you can't win them all.
I'm glad to see your awesome pictures again. Cheers
Welcome "back" to the surface...
Great roadshots as always. Had a similar experience on my Pan recently. I'm not winning even close to them all right now...
top pics. love them. looks like a great ride, pity for the finale.
thanks for coming down, you're welcome here anytime you want.
country riding smells....makes me smile...
You're back! fuck yes!
farmers still plant wheat? what the hell are they combining in July?
Where are the road curves??!?!? We could sell ya a few from Finland... ;) Nice pics.
gary indiana. armpit of nw indiana.
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