Wednesday, August 4, 2010

You're Never Safe......

...... on a motorcycle and that's what makes them so addicting. When you finally get bit it's not so fun but the addiction is still there. It seems that the serpent has been disrupted and is now lashing out. A handful of friends have seen its wrath in the past few weeks including myself. I feel lucky after talking to some of them. Fish at Hated of The World, Cody at Jr. Cycle Products and Stone at Bolts Action and I'm sure many others all went down in similar scenarios. I'm glad you are all still breathing and will be riding again soon.

Stolen from HOTW and David Mann

Your are never safe even if you are riding the safest motorcycle in the world.


Doug Rock said...

Seen Cody last night and he said it might be 4 months before he walks.

mindpill said...

bummer to see friends go down....but fuck! i was laughing so hard with that video....

Ea$yCo said...

"almost" crash proof.

Mr. G said...

that vids gotta be fake! haha hopefully nobody else goes down.

caferacers66 said...

that aint fake, nope that sweet chick is in pure shock and besides that dude got clipped HArd

Johnnyspacewaster said...

Is that for real?

Anonymous said...

fake. the crash part is obviously composited. Very clever though.