Wednesday, November 23, 2011

COC/DiCE Party

June 11th-12th, 2011

Tom Fugle's Panhead.. built in 1964

The Hamms flowed like wine
Noot's Sweet Sportster
Kevin's love machine

The street typically gets a little out of control at this party
On Draft

Peter'd out
Ratchet on a comfy pillow
Jerimiah and his Taco piles
It'll happen to the best of us.
not so hot
Tom Fugle woke us up early looking for his camera. We all said that we had not seen it. The second time around he made us get our asses up and look for it. Turns out Ratchet was using it as a pillow. Tom took his camera bag and replaced it with a piece of pizza for Jonny to rest his head on.
Tom.. happy to find his film camera
About 30 minutes after we arrived at Kung Fu Tap and Taco some one informed me that my tire was flat. I told him it was no biggy because I planned on getting wasted and sleeping in the parking lot and would fix it in the morning. Joe from St. Paul hooked me up with a fresh inner tube and I proceeded to get waisted. The next morning I woke up to the sound of Jerimiah puking all over the tire I was about to fix.
log lift
Bro lift


St. Paul
Kansas City Commentary
A trip to the Gas Station for some air revealed that the new tube was punctured. Slippery Pete's not so slippery hands and a shitty set of spoons proved to be no help. A 15 year old patch kit from the gas station was of not much help either. With the tube in and out 4 different times it finally held air. It was not a sure fix... and 80 miles an hour on the interstate would most likely mean death upon failure. The clouds were moving in and the group wanted to get on the road. I swallowed hard and hit the interstate.


pat said...

cant wait to see the rest of your travels from this past year.

none said...

what pat said...

CHVRCH said...

Great stuff!

Justen @ Nipple Twisters said...

Josh-the pics are the shit-thanks for stopping out in 'my' Genoa....see ya out there. Take care, Happy Holidays!!