There was no time line…. no schedule…. no plans. The circles I found myself in were nocturnal. The days were hot so the cool air of the night was taken full advantage of. Minneapolis and St. Paul are two cities that present a fine mixture of man made structure and natural elements. The journeys to shelter at 3 am through the buildings, parks and rivers were refreshing. Some experiences played out like fairy tales. Blonde hair floating in a warm breeze. Relaxing in a wheat field with golden rays blinding our eyes. Chasing Pocahontas through a muddy wooded path lit only by fireflies and the light of the moon. Rejuvenating skin in muddy soil and cleansing our bodies in the crystal clear waters of Lake Minnetonka.
I left this place rich in memories.

"Because The Night Belongs To Lovers"

David committed Suicide while shifting

Zac bringing the Gloom

Polgreen Tracking the line

Hans Solo

Dave's Fresh Knuck

Headed to Minneapolis for some burlesque and bowling

Gator riding back from the river

Pete and Poon

Chasing Polgreen on Polgreen's bike

The Swamp Witch

Slipping into a dream in the flutter of the light

Riding out of the mist

Sitting Bitch

Riding the river

Oopsy Daisy
The Minnesota winters are long and the summers seem so short. Rain or shine the bikes find pavement to tread upon. The cast of soles I spent my time with are artists, performers and free spirits. Schedules are left open for rides across town or across the river and time well spent at the community shop.

Gator on his Panhead

Gator's Pan

Hans Solo

Zac's new version

Kevin's first attempt at chopper. It's everything a chopper should be.

Kevin's homestead

Joe and Dave

Some North Carolina Tail... Get some!

Staple Stitch Fix

Pete Fit'n in with the neighborhood folk


Joe getting together his Panhead

Pete rolls into my neck of the woods and plucks out a complete Knucklehead bike for five thousand dollars. Looks like I need to shop in Machesney Parkansas more often.

"Hey Man"

Spencer getting his first on the road.

Wet Poon
A Lot of time was also spent at 7th Street Tattoo. Good people Good environment.

I've known Stacie for quite a few years now. She is always ripping around on.... or in something rad....whether it's her triumph, 60's Chevy or this Model A roadster. She's always fun to hang out with.

After the shoot we stopped by Jeff and Jens and grabbed something to eat. Their place always amazes me. Jeff builds Hot Rods and Jen does upholstery

Full Tilt Chopper Show
Zac put on a great Show. The location was good and the music was even better.... and there were plenty of great bikes too.

Harpoon and Myself stopped by Dick and Jane Letterpress for a little tutorial. Brian showed us the ancient art of letterpress

The Bearded Lady Motorcycle Show
This is something of a motorcycle freak show. Refreshing... No drama... No chopper snobbery.. just good times... interesting bikes and open minded people.


good one!
Great photo's to bad we didn't know each other where going to be in the cities at the same time.
Putting it on my calender for next year!
Man...i just need to stop taking photos...I was next to you for many of those snapping off frames too, but you rule. Keep smiling my friend
bitchin as always..... u are the man...
MORE staci!!...that second picture just like it!
i dig that tracker.
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