Tuesday, December 1, 2009


It doesn't get anymore real than this guy right here. Rowdy is a guy that has lived fast and has taken more chances at death then you could ever imagine. He's got a never ending list of heavy stories from the early club days. He worked for Alen Ness when he built the frame that surrounds this Ironhead. He has chris crossed the country from coast to coast on this bike so many times he lost count. He has had his hand cut off and sewed back on....... seen his days in prison and just as he was written off to cancer he hops on his bike and rides right through it all. One of the toughest guys I know.

I took these pictures early last year at his house outside of Vancouver Washington.

Rowdy is good friends with Taber Nash at Nash Motorcycle Co. Taber sells a frame exact to the dimensions of the original frame Rowdy made so many years ago. Check out Nash's ROWDY FRAME It's made of 160 wall 7/8's tubing.


TXDENNIS said...

fuckin' perfect...

Chico said...

iv'e seen that dude before.

Kevin "TEACH" Baas said...

I picked his bike 1st place at the Limpnickie lot Cycle Source show 2 years ago..cool squeaky voiced guy on a RAD bike